Monday, April 5, 2010

Gorgeous Weather

It rained all day yesterday, which is always a good excuse to stay inside and bead. I set out last night to use up as many beads as I could, making as many necklaces, bracelets, and earrings as possible. I love doing this to myself, it's kind of like a self-imposed deadline to get things done. the result was 7 different necklaces, and most of them have matching earrings, which I rarely make. I wish I'd been able to do it all day long, but alas, there were other obligations for me to attend to. Prior to owning the shop, I'd have days in my studio where my goal was to use up all of my beads so that I'd have to go buy all new ones. It's a nice idea, try it sometime. I find myself being overly choosy most of the time, not using certain beads because they are so pretty that I don't want to part with them. Sometimes I need to break out of that mindset, use the good stuff, because there's plenty more where that came from!

This week is supposed to be gorgeous out, and that always makes me want to wear new jewelry. We've been bundled up all winter, layers and layers, so now is time for a nice v-neck shirt and a stunning necklace! I made it my goal last year to wear more necklaces, and I'm proud to say that I am doing well in that matter. I love the attention the jewelry gets, and it inspires me to make more.

The store is having the spring Semi-Precious Trunk Show and Sale this Friday and Saturday. I can't wait to see what she has. There's always something new and exciting, which is amazing because after being in this business for 23 years, you'd think that I'd seen it all. This show never disappoints me, it inspires me.... So bring on the new cool stuff!!! If you are coming, come early and bring a friend or two. There's always great beads that are gone first thing on Friday, but for those who can't come until Saturday, that's ok. The lady who does the show for us is a good friend of mine and she brings MORE on Saturday! Woo- Hoo! Thanks for reading, I hope to see you all this weekend!